
With two distinct tracks available in Studio 艺术 and 艺术 History, the 艺术 major offers something for both creators and curators. This flexible major allows you to develop analytical and technical skills, preparing you to make your own original contributions to the field. 艺术系学生被录取 原型程序 will have access to personal studio space on campus, as well as the opportunity to assist select faculty on special projects and exhibitions.

想了解更多校园里的三个艺术画廊, 点击这里.



选项 & 机会

由熟练的教师指导, 多产的艺术家们, a BA in 艺术 can be earned with an emphasis in art studio or art history. 艺术 studio encompasses a wide array of traditional and digital mediums, while art history incorporates original re搜索 and/or curatorial opportunities.

Our graduates have gone onto prestigious graduate schools such as the School of the 艺术 Institute of Chicago, 密歇根大学, 克兰布鲁克艺术学院, 新学院-帕森设计学院, 波士顿大学, 以及肯塔基大学.


的 画廊 at Georgetown College boast three unique spaces – the Anne Wright Wilson Gallery and the Cochenoeur Gallery feature a total of 12 exhibitions per year, while the Jacobs Gallery houses an eclectic range of ancient to modern art and is part of the college’s wider permanent collection.



原型程序 is an art honors program to which students can apply. 如果选择, 择优录取, students will be given private studio space and mentorship opportunities.


I found great inspiration and impressive role models in the art department at Georgetown College. 的re were some wonderful professors in the art department that helped me succeed and continue to be an inspiration to me today.


的 Georgetown art department provides a platform that allows you to push your creative thinking, artistic and verbal abilities to enable you to make a positive impact on the world.


的 GC art department provides a welcoming and focused environment that encourages growth, 创造力, 毅力, 深思熟虑的表达.


与GC美术部门合作, 我学会了表达内心深处的恐惧, 的想法, emotions without hesitation or fear of judgment.....annnnnd....what an amazing release that that exercise can be!



想了解更多关于这个学术项目? Contact the department chair for more information.

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